Friday, March 30, 2012

The weather...

It is times like these that I wish I was better at science. A few questions... because we had a mild winter does that mean we will have a hotter summer or will the summer take a lesson from winter and continue the laid back attitude to create a mild summer?

One thing I do know is that a mild winter means less bugs were killed... which means a possible surplus this summer. Everyone has been warned!

I'll take a winter over bugs ANY day.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


I have been drawing and painting since I was very young. I would say I enjoy the Impressionist art the most. I used to do watercolor but now I mostly do charcoal or pastels (easier to clean up) and dabble with acrylic paints. I don't do it as often as I would like. Does anyone else paint or draw? Any suggestions?

Watercolor I did in 5th grade.

Charcoal drawing I did in 2009.

Charcoal drawing I gave to my sister in 2009.

Pencil sketch I did in 2011.

Pastel drawing I did of my porcelain doll in 2010.

Acrylic painting I did from The Catcher in the Rye story in 2004.

Pastel drawing I did in 2011.

My outer space spray paint art in 2011.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

About this time last year, I was in Wales...

This time last year, I was in Wales with UCO. It was such a great opportunity to go abroad and do PR work. I was able to create a brochure for the non-profit organization, Discovery.

What I miss about Wales: fish and chips; the smell of the Atlantic Ocean; the crisp, cool weather; the accents; the rolling green hills; the awesome tiny sports cars; the dragon flag.

What I do not miss about Wales: black pudding.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

What do you read for fun?

When it comes to reading for fun, what do you read? I tend to read more than one book at a time. I'm currently reading Cats Cradle (I am loving this book so far), and Grapes of Wrath (It's been a goal of mine to read this one for a while, I love the use of language and I feel like I'm in the Dust Bowl). I was reading Atlas Shrugged but halfway through I got distracted. I enjoyed The Fountainhead a bit more. When I have more downtime I cannot wait to be able to return to my first love, reading.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Food with Grandpa

Ever wonder what it is like to live with a 84-year-old man? I think I can best express what it is like through food.

Recently my Grandpa made me lunch. It included a fried bratwurst, a bag of roasted peanuts and a cup of coffee.

When we dined out, he took me to the Golden Corral at 4 p.m. for dinner, "To beat the rush!" It is such an experience to be done with dinner by 4:40 p.m., I suggest you try it at least once.

Grandpa makes a good chicken 'n dumplings, however one time he decided to be creative with it. He used chicken wings, so picking at the bones in my soup was a fun surprise!

Overall, I love living with my Grandpa... even if our food tastes differ. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Milo, the cat

My sister has a persian cat named Milo. J'adore cats but alas, I am allergic. So, my sister lives in Houston and texts me photos of Milo, which I enjoy. I may not be able to pet him or ever own a cat but I can enjoy excellent cat photos. I thought I would share a few. Do you have any pets or share pet photos?

He's a model.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The wasps and Dr. Clark

A 2nd wasp came into our class. Dr. Clark won, 2-0.

UCO professors care.