Thursday, February 2, 2012

Super Bowl 2012, who will you cheer for?

At first glance one may think I'm a huge sports fan (insert sarcasm), however, even I get excited over the Super Bowl! My reasons for excitement are more for the food, commercials and company but "to each their own."

So... if you aren't a major sports person, but you are going to a Super Bowl party, what team do you decide on? My reasons for my choice may surprise you.

Giants vs. Patriots. You can google stats or ask your nearest sports fan on their opinion but I like to make my own decisions based on fun reasons. I chose the Giants and the reasons why are simple.

What I have heard on NPR is that the Giants are the underdog. I love the classic underdog! I consider it the classic American dream, so I am all about it.

The Giants are from New York. I know I have never been to New York but one of my best friends lives in NYC and I will be visiting her in May. While the New England Patriots are from... New England?! 

My main reason, to be perfectly honest, is my fondness of the childhood film, Little Giants. Yes, it is as simple as that. I have no connection to the Patriots besides being patriotic.

Go Giants! 


  1. I am also rooting for the Giants this weekend..... I am a huge sports fan though.

  2. I'm cheering for the commercials! Go Doritos!! :P

  3. Ah Kylee... that should have been the focus on my blog. The commercials and the hopes we have for them!

  4. Makes perfect sense...I don't watch pro ball either until end of the season
